Pose Fashion App - Review

I recently stumbled upon this app, kind of late, but better than never. I certainly love it, and enjoying this app ever since. It's the new trend-- on iPhone for fashionistas. I'm guessing that it's rather a new concept (on iPhone), and recently published on iTunes store. It's an app where you pose your love for fashion to other fashionistas around the world! You can link this app to your Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc. for easy upload! It's amazing! Similar to Twitter/Tumblr, but for Fashion. You can also follow brand names fashion label like Levi's, JewelMint, Aerie, etc.

I think you guys will like it! No, you guys will love it!  

This is where you can see other fashionistas published photos.
You can click the top-right icon with three lines so you can see them individually, and like them at the same time!

I recently joined Pose yesterday!  Hehe.
Did I mention that you get your OWN page too?
It's amazing, right? f'nomg.
I'm a newbie there atm; be a friend and add me if you have one too!

Maybe later, when you try out Pose, you can find me- drop by and say HELLO!
To the new try-ers, I'll be your first friend there! You can find me &' your friends through the icon on the bottom-right where it says Vanni on mine, and click Find Friends, then type in Konayukiss.

You can download this app via iTunes here: LINK
Android app: coming soon.




Shimmy said...

Thank yoo for sharing~ ^^

imgiovanni said...

haha no problem! hope you enjoy it! <3

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